NUFORC UFO Sighting 33781

Occurred: 2000-04-16 12:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2003-12-13 10:24 Pacific
Duration: 15 Secs.
No of observers: 0

Location: New York City (Brooklyn), NY, USA

Shape: Disk

Objects Round and White - 1st sighting speed apx. 400 mph, 2nd apx. 800 mph, this is just a estimate. Hight apx. 5000 ft.

1st sighting, apx. 1200 hrs. Spotted two round craft coming from the n/e and curving into the east. Both craft were perfectly round and white. No other external appendages could be seen. Of the two, one flew perfectly in its curved destiation, but the other on the outside flew too and fro of the other. I followed these objects until they were out of my sight. I feel they were at apx. 4000 ft. and traveling at apx. 400 to 500 mph. That evening I was tempted to go to my roof with my binocilars, not to look for UFO's, but to look at the Barn Owls that were nesting a few blocks from my house. As I did not see any Owls that afternoon, I decided to lay down and watch the sky. within seconds what appeared to be the same two objects came into the view of my binoculars.

As most people know, you can not keep a steady view of objects flying high and at a fast speed. I continued to watch them for apx. another ten seconds until they were out of my view.

After thiry years of sky watching, this was my first truly encounter with objects that I can not explain.

Begin that I live in Brooklyn over the LaGuardia Airport fly zone, I am very familiar with all sorts of objects that fly in this zone and these objects were nothing that I can explain.

Posted 2003-12-19

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