NUFORC Sighting 33638

Occurred: 2003-12-03 01:00 Local
Reported: 2003-12-05 23:02 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Sandy Hook, KY, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

crying sound bright lights overhead

I feel stupid reporting this ,however i have just came inside from a very odd sighting.I had been working late on my hobby car when there was a bright light that came over my garage.There was a humming sound and i swear i hear a baby or cat like crying.The object was in my sight for only seconds THEN SHOT ACROSS THE SKY LIKE A CANNON.I was drinking a couple beers and wish that the beer played a role in what i seen.I will not give my name and care less if you belive this ((deleted)).I know what i heard and saw.Why Newfoundland who knows.I will say that this sounds crasy.The crying really plays over and over in my head.My dog was found under the tool bench shaking.

Why post a dam story like this.It happen to me tonight.Had to tell someone.

Posted 2003-12-09

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