NUFORC UFO Sighting 33511
Occurred: 2003-11-23 22:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-11-30 21:54 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Freak Seattle lightning strike on or about 11/23, similar event in other west coast locations.
This is not a UFO report, it is a strange event report. On 11/23 or thereabouts, my girlfriend and I were walking in Ballard. It was cold, dark, and misting a bit, and around 10:30 pm there was a freak lightning strike; the flash was blinding and disconcerting, as if we were in the middle of it, but the thunder came about five seconds later. We thought nothing of it until the following week when my girlfriend's sister returned from California (Santa Cruz, I think) and told us the same thing had happened there. The night may not have been the same, but it was the same time - around 10:30. She also said she talked to people in other places on the west coast (in California) who witnessed a similar phenomenon, all at around 10:30 pm. Again, I am uncertain whether they all occurred on the same specific date.
Posted 2003-12-09
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