NUFORC UFO Sighting 33509
Occurred: 2000-08-19 22:00 LocalReported: 2003-11-30 21:39 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1
Location: Gay Head (Aquinah), MA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Amber red pulsating circular pinwheel just over the ocean
I was on Martha's Vineyard, about 10pm camping (illegally) on the dunes of Gay Head, the western end of the island, on August 19th (which I know because President Clinton was there for his birthday and I saw his motorcade earlier in the evening. I parked my motorcycle in the bushes and walked down to the dunes overlooking the ocean to the west with my sleeping bag. It was a beautiful clear night and warm. I lay there in my sleeping bag looking over the ocean and saw the lights of a fishing boat a mile or so out. As I was watching the boat I noticed a circular amber light hovering above the water in the vacinity of the boat and to its left. The light was nothing I had ever seen before. It was an amber red rotating pinwheel that pulsed with bright and dull light. The boat must have seen it. I had an eerie feeling as I watched it, almost like I knew it knew I was aware of it. There was no sound at all. As I watched it for about 1 minute it suddenly went out, like someone turned a light out. It didn't fade out, but just blinked out to blackness. I have kept this sighting in my mind for those years and now feel justified in reporting it as a UFO considering other similar reports which I've read.
Thanks, ((name deleted)), Rhode Island.
Posted 2003-12-09
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