NUFORC UFO Sighting 33437
Occurred: 2003-10-29 22:00 LocalReported: 2003-11-27 23:30 Pacific
Duration: 5 sec.
No of observers: 1
Location: New Iberia, LA, USA
Shape: Cigar
Very bright object along busy highway
We were traveling east on US 90 around New Iberia,LA Craft looked like a blump, bright yellow with white square lights along the side.
I first spotted the craft very low along a tree line as it semmed to move out of sight behind the tree line. At that time I did not say anything about it thinking it was a very low flying plane/blump?. We traveled about five miles and the wife said why is that yellow plane flying so low as I turned to look I saw it again and then it was gone from sight as if it went behind the tree line again. I told her I had saw it a few miles backs and stopped on the road to get a better look but did not see it again.
Posted 2003-12-09
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