NUFORC UFO Sighting 3335
Occurred: 1998-02-26 20:30 LocalReported: 1998-03-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30-40 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Left a trail
A slowly descending Blue-Green Fireball. First Appeared at apx. 52 deg. El. and went down to apx. 0 deg. Disappeared behind Condo's. Had contrail of the same color. Drifting slightly southward from a compass heading of apx. 305. deg.
This is the "young women" you played the tape of on the Art Bell show. Age 41. She was sitting on the couch with her husband watching TV. He refused to turn around and look at it. They estimate 30-40 sec. vice. 3-4 minutes she said when she was excited. I've found a second eye witness, I hope to talk to Tuesday night. Maybe I can then triangulate and get a better idea of how far away it was. Because of the distance to the Condo's that it disappeared behind it could have been anywhere from 500 ft. to 5 miles away.
Posted 1999-01-28
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