NUFORC UFO Sighting 3331
Occurred: 1998-03-12 01:10 LocalReported: 1998-03-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 00:01
No of observers: 1
Location: Eagle County, CO, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo
I have seen 5 greenish/blue fireballs in the course of a 2 week period, above and around the Eagle County area of Colorado.
I saw the first fireball on 02/27/98 at approximately 2150 hours, directly to my east, travel from south to north. I saw the second fireball on 03/03/98 at approximately 0225 hours, to the west of my location, again travelling south to north. The third was on 03/07/98 at approximately 0020 hours, slightly to my east, again moving from south to north. The fourth was on 03/09/98 at approximately 0445 hours, to my west, this one travelled from north to south. The fifth one I saw on 03/12/98 at 0110 hours, to my west and travelled from south to north. All these objects were intensely illuminated with a greenish or blue coloring. None of the objects showed the classic meteorite strieking appearence. They did not break up as they moved, nor do they 'burn out' as I have seen others do. They all seem to suddenly end and they are gone. I am a police officer and I have worked the graveyard shift in this area for the past 18 months. I have yet seen anything this frequent or this brillant in activity. I do not beleive they are "UFO's" per say, but there is definately going on over Colorado that was not happening before. Thank you for your time.
Posted 1999-01-28
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