NUFORC UFO Sighting 33153
Occurred: 2003-11-13 21:30 LocalReported: 2003-11-16 16:15 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2
Location: Atlantic Ocean (Virgin Islands), VI, USA
Shape: Rectangle
A bright Orange Object appeared to be observing our cruise ship in the southern atlantic ocean
We were on a Carnival ship on the Southern Atlantic, we were heading in a south easterly direction, when on the port side of the ship my husband and I were on the balcony and I thought I saw a shooting star,my husband turned around to make a wish when this thing or whatever you call it stop dead and came towards us, approximate feet was about 50 above water, it looked as though it was about 100 yards from us. Then it proceeded toward us and stopped again, then it went to the right of us and then darted out on an angle to the rear of the ship and came back into the rear of the ship and the whole time we were watching this lighted object I was telling it to come back don't be afraid, then it dissapeared right out of sight as quick as it came.
Posted 2003-11-26
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