NUFORC UFO Sighting 33096
Occurred: 2003-11-10 18:30 LocalReported: 2003-11-14 13:54 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: West Covina, CA, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
Cloud-like saucer shape with top and bottom domes having flashing lights moving slowly at low altitude.
Craft approached from North West and then proceeded East along 10 fwy. Craft appeared cloud-like in saucer shape outline with domes top and bottom approximately 50 to 100 feet across. There were flashing aircraft type lights on top and bottom of opposing domes with a dark narrow slit near top dome. Craft moved very slowly at low altitude no more than one-hundred fifty feet from my hill-top viewpoint. During the event, I felt very calm and was not aware of any detectable noise from the craft. This was my first encounter with a UFO sighting.
Posted 2003-11-26
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