NUFORC UFO Sighting 33077
Occurred: 2003-11-13 18:00 LocalReported: 2003-11-13 16:21 Pacific
Duration: 20 min
No of observers: 5
Location: Boothbay Harbor, ME, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Star Like UFO's that are Hidden in the Stars, But With Binoculars, Are Obviously Discs; I Saw 10-20 tonight!!!!
This is the Second Report I have done in the last two days. I had written about UFO Objects that hover in the sky that first appear to be bright stars twinkling/flashing. This evening I once again saw these ufo's, but the sky was clear for about 30 min. before clouds rolled in. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I noticed many of these UFO's, which appear to be all around in the nights sky. They look very odd to the naked eye, however, with binoculars, it is clear they are disc/oval shaped/ect. with green, blue, and red lights flashing around, and are perfectly still in the sky. One especially stuck out to me tonight, perhaps because it was much closer, but this object had a flashing red light in the center, with blue and green lights circling around it; it apparently looked about 1 mile high in the sky, and had smaller objects of the same description all around it. Perhaps it was a mothership, but I do know this. They are appearing more often in the last couple of weeks. They seem to have many with them, but are disquised to the naked eye as very bright stars. What I ask people to do is if they see a star that seems to be twinkling very brightly, LOOK CLOSER. I am noticing them ALL OVER. I will keep you posted on what I see next.
One of three seemingly credible reports submitted by same source. Witness describes self as working in the U. S. military. PD
Posted 2003-11-26
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