NUFORC UFO Sighting 33028

Occurred: 1998-12-31 23:00 Local
Reported: 2003-11-11 22:42 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 0

Location: Jonesboro (near), LA, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Changed Color, Landed

Slow pink blob

A few friends and I were outside at a New Year's Eve party. The area is very rural so there is no background lighting from any populated area. The house where we were is situated on top of a hill facing east-southeast. Directly across the highway from the house is a field that had recently been clear-cut. The house is about 1/8 mile from the highway. Anyway, the night was clear and we were all getting ready to party. I can attest that the friend I arrived with and myself had not had any alcohol yet. I can't speak for the others. We were all out in the yard just off the front porch. I turned away from the porch and looked across the highway, as I guess others did at that time, since we all chorused in on a "What the hell is that?" comment at about that same time. What I observed was a pink, amorphous object perhaps 1 mile away, directly over the aforementioned field. I guess at that distance it was about the size of a nickel held at arm's length. By this time everyone had looked, but I guess we were all pretty much speechless. The center of the object appeared to change color slightly, maybe going into an orangish color. The shape of the object had been shifting continously and at no time had taken on a "normal" shape. It moved towards the south very slowly on level, then took about a 35 degree or so downward turn. It continued down for what I guess would be 25 yards or so, then came to a stop directly above a small stand of trees that had not been cut. After a few seconds, the object began to descend downwards, still very slowly, and went behind the stand of trees, I assume to land, and we lost sight of it. The object had no lights but rather the entire thing glowed with the pinkish light. It could be called a neon pink probably, as it was pretty intense. The idea of investigating came up, but was quickly voted down due to mass cowardice(myself included I must admit). I've heard a lot of stories and seen a lot of strange things around there, but that one took the cake! Anyway, we were all there for at least an hour afterwards, I personally watched the area very closely, but did not see the object again. My friend and I discussed it later and agreed that it was unlike anything we had seen. I've also ready several reports on here and haven't read of anything like it. Maybe it was swamp gas, but we don't think so.

Posted 2003-11-26

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