NUFORC UFO Sighting 3252

Occurred: 1998-02-27 22:10 Local
Reported: 1998-02-27 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bangor, ME, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Spotted strange pulsing light flying at a high rate of speed north to south.

Considering the proximity to the airport, I was hesitant to make this report. However, being past this airport so many times, and never having seen anything that could explain this, I decided to. It was a somewhat overcast night, and the lights of the town and airport were visible to my left as my girlfriend and I drove north on Interstate 95 towards Orono. I noticed a flashing out of the corner of my eye and turned to see a white pulsing, circling flash moving VERY quickly across the sky in a southerly direction. It pulsed intermittently, looking very much like a strobe but a bit slower. It was out of site in only a few seconds, but the speed it moved at was not explainable by normal aircraft, nor was the strength of the light. There was no plane attached to the light - just the light. I saw a plane not a few minutes before that. I told my girlfriend to look, but it was already out of site and she discounted it. It was apparently close, only a few hundred feet up and it moved by flashing along, sort of in an incredibly gentle U-fashion to the south. It was over a small line of trees and the town of Bangor.

Posted 1999-01-28

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