NUFORC UFO Sighting 32210

Occurred: 2003-10-13 20:00 Local
Reported: 2003-10-14 11:30 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Binghamton, NY, USA

Shape: Sphere

Sphere heads north, turns, and then goes up!

My son and I were leaving to get in our car at a downtown business, when all of the sudden my son asked if a bright object was Mars. I said no, because Mars was in the southern sky, and this light was towards the north. We watched the object about 70 degrees above the horizon go in a straight line for north. Then, it made a curve towards the North-east (at 45 degrees above the horizon) , faded out like it was going higher into the atmosphere. This was not a satelite since it started at a dead stop. It was not a plane, since it had no wing blinking lights, and the object was too far up for that. The object was a pure white, no yellow. It was a sphere and only dimmed in intensity as it curved and head to higher altitudes until it was a tiny point, and kept going until other buildings obscured the view. This sight was only 3 miles form Johnson City where another report was recently made. Is the southern tier of NY becoming UFO central?


The International Space Station flew over the area in question, but at 19:25 hrs. on this date, and it would have been in the west and the south. PD

Posted 2003-10-15

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