NUFORC UFO Sighting 32207
Occurred: 1993-07-10 00:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-10-14 06:00 Pacific
Duration: less than a minute
No of observers: 3
Location: Rabwah (Pakistan), , Pakistan
Shape: Other
The Big Black Bird
It is quite a long time ago when one night in Rabwah (Pakistan), we were sleeping in our garden that i and my uncle saw a huge black shadow above us which floated in the air like a bird but without wings. I heard a little swish of its wings too but i am sure that it had no wings. The sky was clear that night and stars were shining but when the object flew right over us (around 5 meters high), it blocked the view of the stars for 15 seconds. It was not a bird (owl or bat etc) because we don't have animals of such a huge diameter. It was really a UFO!
Posted 2003-10-15
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