NUFORC UFO Sighting 32171

Occurred: 2003-02-22 18:00 Local
Reported: 2003-10-10 20:29 Pacific
Duration: 2 hrs
No of observers: 2

Location: Pelion, SC, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Emitted other objects

We heard a very loud, tarp flapping sound with electrical overtones, just above our heads.

My wife and I heard a loud noise in our back yard, about 50 ft above ground. It sounded like a tarp flapping in a hurricane with electric overtones (bug zapper sounds). We walked towards the sound, but couldn't see what was causing it, just stars. As we got closer it was almost overhead, but still couldn't see anything. We reached our fenceline and relized it was about 20ft ahead and about 50ft up. We walked about 50+/-ft to both sides and could tell the noise was coming from the same locale. So we stood at the closest viewing location inside our fence. Our necks were getting sore from looking up, so my wife decided to go to the house to get a flashlight to shine at this invisible object. I tried SOS in morse code a few times, but nothing. My wife grabbed the flashlight and started flashing in a very erratic way. After about 30 seconds the noise changed to a loud jet engine noise and I saw an orange glowball (softball size), it zipped to the east about 100yrds and quickly returned to its original location all in about 3 seconds, almost making a tracer effect. My wife didn't see this, but had the sensation that something had quickly came to her face and then went back all in a few seconds. I am a local government employee and have never seriously thought ETs exist. Not untill this experience. Since this experience, my wife has had cronic acne, at 26 yrs old she had only one pimple at each esteres cycle her entire life, and she commonly sees greys in her dreams now.

Posted 2003-10-15

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