NUFORC UFO Sighting 32159

Occurred: 2003-10-09 20:15 Local
Reported: 2003-10-10 02:38 Pacific
Duration: 1 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: San Jose, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Red and it looked like it shot straight out - towards space.

We were walking the dogs tonight (about 8:15 p.m.) out in a baseball field - we live in the San Francisco Bay Area (near San Jose, California) when we stopped to watch what we thought was a satellite.

We watched for about a minute as it kept a straight course. I looked down to step forward and when I looked back up my eyes focused on a rather bright star - next to where the satellite had just passed. My partner did not stop looking up. As my eyes found the satellite, we both saw it turn red and it looked like it shot straight out - towards space, then disappeared. It happened really fast, like, a second or two. We watched the sky for another couple of minutes – thinking it would reappear – but it did not.

Planes come by our way frequently as we are almost beneath the flight path for Ames Research/Moffett Field. Shortly (within about 30 seconds) after the satellite disappeared there was one such flight coming into Moffett. I don’t know if this came from the Moffett plane, but a contrail floated across the sky – visible to our eyes – roughly in the same path that the satellite had been going (we think it strange but probably not connected). Perhaps it was the exhaust from the Moffett plane.

Perhaps you will have others reporting about this in the Bay Area and we aren’t the only ones who saw this.

Thank you to the witness for the report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Canadian Toll Free UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989 - Free call.

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Posted 2003-10-15

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