NUFORC UFO Sighting 32148
Occurred: 2003-10-08 22:20 LocalReported: 2003-10-09 14:57 Pacific
Duration: one second
No of observers: 1
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Left a trail, Aircraft nearby
A fluorescent light blue object leaving a trail behind it, traveling at a very fast speed in the clear night sky
I was walking by myself when I saw this object. Whatever I saw, it was pretty big. I'd say atleast five times the size of any light beacons on the towers near my home. It traveled from NE to SW at a very high speed, was a very light fluorescent blue in color, and left a trail behind it. I'm not sure how long it was actually visible because there were some trees obstructing my view. I may have just seen the tail end of this objects flight path. The night sky was extremely clear and I also noticed alot more air traffic than usual. I want to say the tip of it was rounded, almost like a roundnose pistol bullet. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a meteor. I am not an expert on these things, but I can definitely say I've never seen anything like this before.
Posted 2003-10-15
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