NUFORC UFO Sighting 32133

Occurred: 2003-10-08 20:20 Local
Reported: 2003-10-09 07:52 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Arcadia, IN, USA

Shape: Light

Bright white light, appeared to be moving away at an extremely fast rate --

Sitting on front porch with my friend, talking, having a cigar, looking at the stars and aircraft in the sky. Clear skies, Both of us noticed (at basically the same time) an extremely bright white light that appeared to move away at an alarming rate of speed. The light was as big as your pinky finger nail when held at arms length, and appeared to be 20-30 degrees from the horizon and several miles away. At no time did the light move up, down, or side to side, rather it appeared to be stationary and then slowly faded from bright white to darkness ... the entire process took about 10 seconds... like someone tuned a dimmer switch. (or like it was moving away at an alarming speed) Initial observation of the light was that it was similar to landing lights on the front of an airplane, however, there was only one light and appeared much brighter than landing lights I have seen before. Additionally, there were no other visible lights within the vicinity of the single white light. Both during the time we saw the white light, and in the minutes that followed as we looked for any signs of plane or such in that area. If it had been a plane, it simply would not have disappeared that fast as the other aircraft in the sky were plainly visible long after.

The light appeared due north from Highway 19, approx 20-30 degrees from the horizon, and appeared to be 4-6 miles away (the distance was based on my observation of two aircraft in the sky at the same time, to the east and west of the bright light, and moving in a northeast, and northwest direction) Even though the other aircraft in the sky were at some distance and moving away from us as well, they were clearly visible for 5 minutes or so after the Bright White light faded.

There were no sounds heard at or around the time of the Bright White light

Posted 2003-10-15

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