NUFORC Sighting 32008

Occurred: 2003-10-01 21:00 Local
Reported: 2003-10-02 18:54 Pacific
Duration: 8-10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bellevue, WA, USA

Shape: Light

Star seen in Seattle moves east then quickly fades away, no meteor trail.

Noticed a bright bluish star like object, saw that it was moving slowly headed east. Object was high in the sky roughly NE in direction from me. Object moved at slow steady pace then quickly dissapeared. There was no meteor trail, wondering if an explanation was out there for it.


Report, we observe, is not inconsistent with a sighting of the International Space Station, which passed over Seattle at 20:11 hrs., and then 93 minutes later. Hence, if the time is approximate, the witness might have seen the ISS. Just a guess. PD

Posted 2003-10-07

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