NUFORC UFO Sighting 31973
Occurred: 2003-09-25 21:00 LocalReported: 2003-10-01 10:31 Pacific
Duration: 4-7 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: San Jose, CA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
Red & White Triangle
As I was driving on the freeway between Gilroy and San Jose, Ca. I saw a bright white object (plane) on the side of the freeway. It was bright with several lights and looked like an odd lobster shape. The lights were at varying intensities of white light, sometimes becoming more intense and then a lighter dull and changing (very slowly). It was flying at such odd pace (kind of stopping and starting and very slow). Then as it made it's way over the freeway it turned and came towards the cars on the freeway. It stopped and hovered over the freeway. It was very close! with bright white and red lights. Then I saw it was triangular in shape. It was very still as it hovered the freeway and then I passed underneath it, the red lights were illuminating the entire bottom of the triangle and at each corner of the triangle was a bright white light. I saw directly underneath it as I drove underneath this hovering triangle and after I passed underneath it I turned around to look back at it and it disappeared. All that I saw was one bright white light that became bright in intensity and then flickered out. Also there were many other planes (objects) in the sky.
Posted 2003-10-07
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