NUFORC UFO Sighting 31939

Occurred: 2003-09-28 19:29 Local
Reported: 2003-09-29 17:49 Pacific
Duration: 15-20 sec.
No of observers: 2

Location: Baker City, OR, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby

Panel of light surgically zig/zagged across sky. Here to gone in 2 seconds flat. Impressed the hell out of us. WE WANT 1

This night was the last night of archery hunting season for Oregon. Myself and my friend of twenty years took our time coming down off the mountain. We stopped at a privately owned piece of property towards the bottom to bugle (call) elk that are frequently in the area just for fun. It was dark by this time. My friend bugled a couple of times out of the passenger seat and something caught my eye. I don't know how to explain why , it just didn't move right it seemed to zig-zag in a way that was so smooth and precise that you wouldn't notice easily. The objects view was blocked by a tree for a couple of seconds when I told my friend to check it out when it appeared again and let me know if it was zig-zagging. He confirmed it and we both grabbed binoculars and exited the vehicle. The object was a light-blue panel of light emitted in a almost fog like way but the panel itself was clearly defined. We were not able to see any shadows or parts of the object that you would assume would have to be above the panel. It zig-zagged from the west to the east for about a 45 degree amount of sky and I can't tell you if it stopped but I noticed a twinkle off to the side and what appeared to be below the object. The object then went up and it did it QUICKLY! There was never a sound or a streak trailer or anything. We are positive that the light didn't just go out, it went away from earth at a speed that just does not make sense. We stood in awe talking about it for 5-10 minutes when the first of 6 or seven jets or planes showed up. They had red bue strobes and seemed to be patroling the same airspace the light was in only minutes before. We do not have any airforce for a few hundred miles but they seemed to come from both the southeast and northwest. We did not notice the speed of the light until we saw how slowly the jets/planes movement across the sky was in comparison. Altitude looked relatively the same. We are not sure but the jets/planes seemed to slowly gain altitude and take up positions surroundi! ng the area very high up. This was all seen in a matter of 1-1 1/2 hours. Baker county is very near the 45 parallel.


Lessons learned

I am your 9/28/03 eastern oregon submitter. I Just wanted to drop a few thoughts on the subject after honestly having faced the fact that there are no rules or limits. I have spent a great deal of time "looking up" over the past year and will continue to "sleep under the stars" every once in a while but I refuse to let what I have seen absorb so much of my life. I have since had a cowardly object "look my way" on two seperate occassions. My opinion is that these objects move in a friction-less pathway(vacuum?)that is somehow created in an open environment. I can't help but feel like however and whatever is going on up there gives me a feeling of "trouble on the horizon" and short of grabbing a .50cal or whatever I can get my hands on and trying my best to "get some" or have "my effect" on their lives. I have decided to have faith and "keep on keepin on". You really do get what you look for.-((initials deleted))

Posted 2003-10-07

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