NUFORC UFO Sighting 31937

Occurred: 2003-09-24 10:55 Local
Reported: 2003-09-29 16:47 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Unknown sphere seen in relatively close range moved rapidly and suddenly stopping and changing positions placement in the sky.

Noticed a bright glowing object travelling along the front range of Colorado Springs, going north towards the Air Force Academy.

Several minutes later, I heard several sirens in the area of Fountain Blvd. and Murray Blvd. These sirens, three to four sets were headed west on Fountain.

I was outside taking a break, while at work, I turned to check the area west of my location. Within one block, just over the Sand Creek Police Dept. I observed a very white sphere travelling from the west and heading towards my position.

This sphere, started to go upwards from just above the Police station.building. As this sphere rose rapidly, it started to glow to yellow and orange color. While rising the sphere was travelling towards my location. A couple of people, co-workers, saw that I was intent on looking upwards and came out and observed the sphere travelling above our building. We observed this object suddenly stop in the 11 o' clock position. I walked into the building and one other guy stated that the object moved extremely fast to the 2 o' clock position. This took place within a few seconds of me walking into the building. Within just the few seconds that I was away. The object seemed to be small in diameter and was completely still in the sky.

About five of my co-workers saw the object at different stages of the sighting.

Posted 2003-10-07

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