NUFORC UFO Sighting 31931
Occurred: 2003-09-28 04:00 LocalReported: 2003-09-29 10:38 Pacific
Duration: Several hours
No of observers: 2
Location: Tacoma, WA, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Changed Colo
Tacoma/Puyallup - Light that moved & changed color
Looking from HW16 near the Gig harbor bridge, towards the right (guesstimate: about 10 degrees) & above of Mt. Rainier - There was a Strobing light that at first glance looked just like an extremely bright star. However, it changed colors from white to bright blue, red, green. It hovered for quite some time making quick erattic movements from time to time (up, down, left,right - which ruled out it being a star, plane or helicopter) but overal stayed in the same location. Could not see visible shape, determine altitude or location over which it hovered - could have been Puyallup area. With binoculars the object still was too far away, but was able to make out more colors, and the object almost seemed to 'sparkle' with light beams.
Dear Mr. ((name deleted)),
Thank you very much for the report, and for your telephone call.
My suspicion is that you may have been observing the very bright and colorful "twinkling" star in the western sky. I have been admiring it, of late, too.
The apparent movement of the object is a result, principally, of movement of the eye, not the star. This type of movement is reported to us frequently.
Please check that same are of the sky on the next clear night, and let us know whether you see the object, or not.
Thank you very much for sharing the information with our Center!
Dear Mr Davenport,
Thank you for getting back to me. The more I think about it the more I am getting convinced it must have been a star (though I've never seen any star like it). It just didn't make sense to me why I would be able to see it for hours while most reports lasts a few minutes at most. If it hadn't looked like it was moving I probaply would have just thought of it as a really bright star - and your explanation on why it seemed to move makes sense.
After reading up on some of the other reports on the board, someone mentioned the sirius star which I think would've been in that general area at that time. I will try to look again - with a star map in hand this time! (it's been cloudy last couple of days as you probaply know :) ) and if I find out it was indeed just a star I will let you know so you can remove the report.
Thanks for your time!
((name deleted))
Posted 2003-10-07
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