NUFORC UFO Sighting 31929

Occurred: 2003-09-26 20:24 Local
Reported: 2003-09-29 05:29 Pacific
Duration: 5 Min
No of observers: 2

Location: Pitcairn, NY, USA

Shape: Light

Bright object was seen traveling below the big dipper south to north

Approx 20:24 on the night of 26 Sept 03 in the town of Pitcairn while in the woods on an overnight Boy Scout campout, witness a bright light. Myself and my sons scout leader were observing the big dipper discussing the north star, at which point a bright light (which at first I took for a satellite) appeared in the night sky traveling south to north. The object appeared at roughly 35-40o above the horizon. I have seen satellites and airplanes traveling in the night sky before and this did not look like one. I did, about an hour later that evening, see satellites and planes flying. The object in question was as bright as a star, did not have any blinking/flashing lights nor make any passing sound. We watched it for about 5 min before it disappeared behind trees and we lost sight of it. I could not tell if the object relected the light or if it made it.

Posted 2003-10-07

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