NUFORC UFO Sighting 31918
Occurred: 2003-09-22 19:30 LocalReported: 2003-09-28 18:48 Pacific
Duration: still ongoing
Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA
there is a small "moon" in the sky maybe 1/10th the size of our normal moon or less. many people at the whole foods grocery store were looking up in the sky at the same time wowndering what it was. Wondered if it was a weather balloon but it did not seem to move at all over a period of 15 minutes that i observed. It was perhaps 20-30 degrees off od straight up seemingly to the east.
We observe that the sighting is consistent with the planet, Mars, which is in the eastern sky at the time indicated, and it would be approximately 20-30 degrees above the horizontal plane at the hour indicated by the witness. Hence, unless there were TWO bright objects in the eastern sky, we conclude that the witnesses must have been admiring Mars. PD
Posted 2003-10-07
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