NUFORC UFO Sighting 31869

Occurred: 2003-09-25 21:00 Local
Reported: 2003-09-26 23:19 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Newport, AR, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

V shaped Formation over Newport, AR.

I was travelling west on AR Route 14 towards Newport, US Route 67 interchange was about 5 miles away, traffic was light. I noticed a light that was changing in color from red to blue to yellow to green and back to red. At first, I thought it was an aerial applicator, but drove past 2 other aerial applicator aerodromes on AR Route 14 back towards Harrisburg, AR where the planes were grounded. Perhaps this was an aerial applicator heading home, but then again on a Thursday night? Then I saw another light changing colors in the same sequence as the first. The lights were moving parrallel from North to South and were now both south of AR Route 14. I turned on to the on ramp to go south to Little Rock, AR on US Route 67. Then I realized that there was formation of these flashing lights moving to the south. There was a total of 7 lights, placed the thumb of my Right hand over the central light, approximately 1 foot measured from the light formation. As I travelled south on US Route 67 towards Little Rock, AR the formation kept going and suddenlly a shooting star greenish in color shoots in front of me. Then out of nowhere another greenish shooting star comes from the SW. The formation has picked speed and noticed that these lights were at a higher altitude. Then all of the sudden they were gone.


There is a vivid "twinkling" star in the western sky during the early evening, currently, although that would not explain the formation of lights the observer apparently witnessed later during the sighting. PD

Posted 2003-09-28

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