NUFORC UFO Sighting 31855
Occurred: 2003-09-26 04:00 LocalReported: 2003-09-26 10:58 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Miami, FL, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Arrow head. Front had 4 rod shaped flourescent lights, 2 back corners, transparent center. Hand size at arms length
I was on my second story balcony smoking a cigarette while looking up at a clear sky with bright stars as I always do. There was a storm coming in quickly to my right. My area of view is blocked to my left from my roof and trees block my view to my right leaving me a large patch of viewing sky in the middle. From my left a massive object appeared into my view and moved at a rapid pace towards the storm on my right. I got a great look at this object. It was shaped like an Indian arrow head. The front part of the triagle had 4 rod shaped glowing flourescent lights in a wedge shape and 2 on the back corners. The lights did not project. The center of this object looked transparent as it passed. For 15 seconds it sped across the sky without a sound. I held my hand up at arm's length and the object was slightly larger than it. I thought because of the massive size that it was flying by at a low altittude but when it reached the storm to my right I saw it go above the storm out of my view, not through it. I have a video camea with night vision and I'll be ready. I should of known better being a UFO enthusiast and neck kinking sky watcher. Thank you.
Posted 2003-09-28
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