NUFORC UFO Sighting 31849

Occurred: 2003-09-25 00:00 Local
Reported: 2003-09-26 09:19 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Montreal (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Fluctuating light in the sky

I was at a bus stop with my friend. It was very dark as we were in an industrial area, not many street lights so we found it a little weird that the ally across the street was glowing. we went a little closer to investigate. We heard a noise that sounded like the bus so we turned around to see if it was coming. when we turned back to the ally the light was gone. We were a little spooked but didn't really think that much about it. About 2 min later we saw a light hovering about 75 feet above the building where we saw the glowing. It seemed to get larger and then smaller. It continued doing this for about 1 minute. I got large one more time and then vanished. I did not look like it took off anywhere, it was more like it went out like a candle.

Posted 2003-09-28

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