NUFORC UFO Sighting 3157

Occurred: 1998-05-29 04:45 Local
Reported: 1998-06-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 6-7 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Dallas, TX, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

While inbound on Amer. Airlines Flt. 1409 from Atlanta to Dallas, just north of Dallas, @4,000 feet, I saw a small disk like object 2'x 2'.

I am a successful medical diagnostic ultrasound and video endoscopy distributor in Dallas, TX. On Friday, May 29th at approximately 2:45 pm, I was returning on American Airlines flight 1409 from Atlanta to Dallas. We landed from the north at DFW. About 5 - 10 minutes before landing, I was watching attentively out my window when in front of the aircraft, at about the 2:00 position in the sky, I saw a metalic silver and navy blue disc like object. It was about 2 feet high and 2 feet wide. It may seem odd that it was disc shaped with these specifications, however, it was almost as if it were segmented. Imagine a disk about 8 inches with squared off sides sitting on top of another disc about 16 inches wide, sitting on top of another disc about 24 inches wide. Under the 24 inch wide disk sits another 16 inch disc and under it another 8 inch wide disk. The top and bottom and each side were symetrical. At first I though it was a bird, but a couple seconds latter in came into clear focus as we flew only about 200 feet away from it. It was on the right side and roughly the same altitude, about 4,000 feet. I am familiar with altitude as I have about 20 hours of flight instruction. It was definitely the most uniquely mysterious object I have ever seen, and I can't think of anything to explain it. I believe it was either moving slowly or not at all.

Posted 1998-06-18

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