NUFORC UFO Sighting 31415
Occurred: 2003-09-11 21:00 LocalReported: 2003-09-12 01:58 Pacific
Duration: ~00:10:00
No of observers: 3
Location: Saratoga, CA, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
On 09/11/03 about 21:00 Hrs Ca time 3 star like obj at hi altitude travel acrosss sky from south to north within moments of eachother.
I live in an area where we have no street lamps. On several occassions during the past six years about this time of season I have seen what almost could be mistaken for a tiny star in the nights' sky. Except that it is moving across the sky at a very good rate of speed. It's direction is coming from the South and moving North and sometimes South to Northeast or so. In the past I was by myself when I viewed these things. My thoughts were that it was a possible sattlelite, but on one occassion two or three years back I saw one of these do a tight zig zag pattern as it passed over head. Anyway I had a hunch that tonight I might see one of these Traveling Stars as I began talking to my thirteen year old daughter about my previous sightings. I guess as the conversation tappered off we began to look up into the night sky. It was a clear night. No fog maybe some slight haze and a full moon rising but low enough not to interfere . It was dark in our back yard and we were in the hot tub looking up when by chance my daughter spotted what I had described to her just moments before. So we got very exicited I thought once again that may be it's a satalite. We watched it pass and as it was passing I was yelling to my wife inside the house to come outside and get a look at this thing. I wear glasses and my wife wears glasses but my thirteen year old who spotted it has twenty - twenty. My wife did not make it outside in time. It probably took about fifteen seconds from time of spotting till it crossed over going North till it was far from sight. My daughter asked if it could be a UFO and I said I don't know for sure. It was a school night(09-11-03_ about 21:00)and she after seeing this wanted to go inside.
I do not know my GPS location on the map but if this helps I'm located about 40 miles south of San Francisco, California which is SFO= 37deg/37'/5" North-----122deg/22'/22" West Note: One of my previous sightings I called Lick Observatory and inquired about Satalites crossing overhead for the time/date or UFO reports but did not get any definitive answer.
Continued: I was now alone and looking up gazing around and was wondering if my wife and I would have some quite time in the hot tub and would'nt it be neat to see some more when there it was again another little star like object traveling probably the same path as the previous one did. I yelled out to my wife and she was near by this time and she came out side with her glasses and I pointed to the proximity in the sky directly over head now and her eyes found the object in the sky and it too went out of sight. A third passed over in the same fashion except it sort of skewed it's course just as it crossed over our area. It's direction headed sort of North by Northeast once it passed over us. Now during that time on the cordless my wife called her sister whom lives in Sunnyvale about 6 - 7 miles North from us and my wife tells me that her sister went outside and she also had a chance to catch a view. But I'm not sure if she saw what we were seeing because she mentioned to my wife that she saw them moving and line up and that there were 4 of them.
Decription: These things which I was seeing looked like a tiny greenish stars. It seemed to be very very high in the sky (may be 60 to 100 miles out). Not like a B1 or B52 bomber or jet airliner at 35,000 feet. This was much higher like sputnik or the Space Station which fell to earth some years back.
My Thoughts: Some kind of controlled satalite or UFO.
Posted 2003-09-12
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