NUFORC UFO Sighting 31414
Occurred: 2003-09-10 23:30 LocalReported: 2003-09-11 23:26 Pacific
Duration: 30 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Kenai, AK, USA
Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object
A Light In The Sky
It happen last night I went out side the sky was clear and the moon was full,the moon light shined so bright,that I could see the moonlight very bright in the night sky's/ when I looked up I seen a flashing light, it made no nosie,it was one big flashing light in the sky, it seem it was not very high uo either,a few thousands yards up,it went off then few seconds it was another feet away and flash a bright white light.It went on a few more seconds then it dissapear. It did not make any nosie,it just gliuded over the sky. also in Aug,97 i picked up a hitchikeer and drove down the deserted road, and he was talking about ufo's,about 2 miles down the road he looked up and said whats that so I looked up. There was a huge cigar shaped object right above my car,it wwas bigger thween the cvar and i was going about 55 and the thing was going the same speed, when I looked up it had blue,red,white lights kind of look like out side lights It was huge,Ijust looked up there for a 22nd did not think nothing of it,then it was gone. What Ishould of done was stoped,but the huge object just was gone when I looked up again.
Posted 2003-09-12
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