NUFORC UFO Sighting 3139

Occurred: 1998-02-15 19:30 Local
Reported: 1998-02-16 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 60+ seconds
No of observers: 9

Location: Duluth, MN, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects

Various colored lights flashing after power surge & failure

Power surge/failure occured at 7:30 pm. Lights went off but glowed hazy green for several seconds before immense lights began to flash over the foggy sky - central location of flashes from us was WNW. The first flash was a general bright blue followed by several defined rays that spread out from the circumference of the blue lights this was followed by more flashing - yellow and red lines that horizontally crossed the original set of rays. The flasing continued a few more seconds, was as bright as lightening: air temp. 39f; pressure 29.90. We later learned that a powerline had been severed at the junction of Highway 61 and the Ryan Road - 15 miles up the shore of Lake Superior from central downtown Duluth. It seem to us that a rather large craft may have come a bit too close to ground and that some form of its propellent energy caused the power line to snap. We walked over to the site of the break later and saw several power company vehicles a couple of squad cars were present but left before we actually reached the scene.

Posted 1999-01-28

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