NUFORC UFO Sighting 31350
Occurred: 2003-09-08 22:20 LocalReported: 2003-09-09 20:44 Pacific
Duration: one second
No of observers: 1
Location: Maple Valley, WA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Driving maybe 2 miles south of Maple Valley, heading south on Hwy 169 towards Enumclaw, I caught a brilliant green light moving fast from west to east out of the corner of my eye. My window was rolled down. I turned to look just as this brilliant green light entered the clouds to my east at maybe a mile away and 2000' elevation. The moon was bright through high haze, with lower level stagnant nimbostratus remnant clouds spaced by miles. The surroundings were illuminated quite well, but the object lit up a considerable parcel of the cloud it went into in bright green light.
Object seemed to be going down into the cloud at a 15-degree angle. A second after the light was gone it seemed like the object had gone down, judging from the angle of entry and speed. It covered at least a mile in less than half a second - speed of sound speed, but there was no sound.
Too, from the time I left Maple Valley, to the sighting, then to Enumclaw, I easily passed a dozen law enforcement officers from various jurisdictions. Some were parked (singles and doubles), some driving (saw three in a row coming around one corner)- an alarming degree of activity for that confined stretch/area.
Posted 2003-09-12
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