NUFORC UFO Sighting 31254
Occurred: 2003-08-20 13:45 LocalReported: 2003-09-06 13:17 Pacific
Duration: 20 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Caspian Sea (south of) (Iran), , Iran
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams
On August 20, 2003 , at 1.45 PM (sunshine) Me and my Cousin were driving along the Caspian Sea from Chaloos(small beach city) to Shahsavar (another small beach city) on main Road.
Between Chaloos and Shahsavar near to Nashtarood (beach villag), at the west side of the Road (south of Caspian Sea) near the forest , I saw two strong apart white Lights abouth 300 meters up in the Air that they moved very slow to left and right , up and down.
They were 2 km from us , 5 to 10 meters diagonal big , The lights shape were oval , and for some secounds their light Beems were Blue and Yellow.
I can not compare that strong beautiful lights with something else.
I told my cousin to stop the car but because of the heavy car Traffic He could not stop it, after I keeped looking them for 20 seconds because of the tall and big Trees beside the Road i could not see that Lights for 1 minute.
after 1 minute i could see that Area again , but i did not see that Lights any more.
Posted 2003-09-09
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