NUFORC UFO Sighting 31244
Occurred: 1994-10-08 20:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-09-05 20:43 Pacific
Duration: 15 min.
No of observers: 3
Location: Thunder Bay (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object
The speed it moved is unbelievable. and the colour of light's is unmistakeable.
This took place on a moose hunting trip, 80 mile's north east of Thunder Bay, ontario, canada. We observed an object across a lake from us , probably a few mile's in the bush from said lake. It was aprox. 8:30 at nite, it had 4 light's on it , blue, red, green, and amber. It seemed to just sit there , i guess about 1/2 mile above tree line. We could'nt figure out what it was, and all of a sudden it just veered straight up, i would say from the long distance it was from us, 1/2 a mile straight up, then it would go down. It moved to fast for an aircraft. The background was total darkness. Binocular's were used on it, that's what determined the light colour's. When i got home(1000 mi. away) my mother told me it was on the new's that week, and it was the military testing equipement. There is no way that the Canadian millitary has something that moved as fast as i observed, as a matter of fact any government. It lasted for about 15 min. and then just disappeared.
Date is approximate. We have requested a more accurate date from the witness, from fuel receipts, credit card statements, hunting licenses, etc.. PD
Posted 2003-09-09
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