NUFORC UFO Sighting 31045

Occurred: 2003-08-30 22:05 Local
Reported: 2003-08-31 03:55 Pacific
Duration: ca 15 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Barcelona (Spain), , Spain

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Left a trail, Aircraft nearby

I saw 3 lightballs comming towards me as if an airplain was comming in at about 5 miles distance. We all were watching incomming airtraffic of Barcelona Airport every evening from August 25 untill tonight suddenly something that appeared to be an aircraft made very strange movements as the lights of the wings seemed to swing arround the licht in the middle. Then the hole shape moved from 12 to 9 o´clock in a few seconds. The funny thins is that we noticed that for about 25 minutes the incomming air traffic was stopped as the evening before (and also according to the timetables) every 2 minutes an airplane should come in. Only two planes have been comming in on diffent flightpaths (different to te regular flightpaths we noticed on the evenings before. We saw this all from our hotelroom in Barcelona. We didn´t use drugs or alcohol and we are very, very non-believers as on ufo´s.

Posted 2003-09-04

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