NUFORC UFO Sighting 30859
Occurred: 2003-08-23 04:00 LocalReported: 2003-08-23 07:57 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Frankenthal/Pfalz (Germany), , Germany
Shape: Other
sorry but i can't speak that good english and i hope you will understand me! I took a walk last night and i looked up the sky for shooting stars and then i saw something strange. At first i thought that was an aeroplane but it wasn't flying it was standing in the sky and i came closer and suddenly it starts to move a little and always i stopp moving that thing stopps too like its looking at me (i'm sure that thing saw me. At first i couldn't believe and i thought that is a joke from somebody.
That thing had three white lights and they looked like a triangle (i just saw that lights nothing else, that was shining brighter and bigger than the stars and it was real close maybe big as an helicopter maybe bigger too i cannot explain.I start again to move forward and than it's flying away not that fast and i try to run them after but it was too fast than i couldn't follow. It Flew away.I forget to tell there was no aura or something else around and it makes no noise and there are no other objekts around
Posted 2003-08-28
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