NUFORC UFO Sighting 3076

Occurred: 1998-01-11 20:10 Local
Reported: 1998-02-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Rachel, NV, USA

Shape: Disk

Summary : At approximately 8:10 PM MST, my girlfriend and I were driving north towards Rachel on Highway 375 in Nevada. As we descended from Hancock's Summit, I noticed a light skirting the ridgeline that surrounds Area 51 to our left several miles in the distance. We took app. 8 minutes of videotape of this object.

The object is reddish-orange, and appears to be a typical disc-shaped UFO turned on its face. At first I thought the camcorder was out of focus, but later in the footage, half of the object is clearly obscured by the mountains. The object was a minimum of 13 miles away (I need to get a detailed map of the area with correct scale to figure out an exact minimum distance). The object blinks, changes in luminosity, disappears and reappears, gets enormous, moves a great distance to the right and back again in an instant (although this may be camera motion), moves quickly to the right and disappears. The object's structure is readily apparent in the video: a disc with a ring around the outer edge, and a darker "hub" in the middle. I was shown another video clip of the same object in Rachel the next day--much better quality, but without the mountains as a frame of reference. There are four groups doing analysis on my tape, and the footage will be posted on my website and several others when analysis is completed.

Posted 1998-03-07

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