NUFORC UFO Sighting 3070
Occurred: 1992-05-18 21:00 LocalReported: 1998-01-31 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Elmer, NJ, USA
Shape: Other
Summary : I was on the way home from my girl friends house at around 900 pm and as i passed by centerton lake i witnesed a huge object sitting over the lake maybe only 50 feet or so. i slowed down and got a better look and it seemed to be a purple heart shaped object. i looked at it for a few more min to be sure i was really seeing something and then i raced home and called the police and filled a report. they called a few weeks later and asked me a few questions but i never heard from them again.
the object was about 50 yards wide had the shape of a heart very purple even a dark purple as it got closer to the outer edges it was about 900pm at night and i was on my way home from my girlfriends house headed i believe north on centerton road passing bye centerton lake the date was around 5/18/92 i had just turned 17 2 months earlier i did file a report at the Bridgeton state police barracks in bridgeton NJ the weirdest thing about all of this is that i was talking about it at a family gettogether this past christmas and my aunt over heard some of what i was saying and it scared her to death because she says she saw the samething at the same spot in the 60s when she was a teenager.
Posted 1998-03-07
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