NUFORC UFO Sighting 30521
Occurred: 2003-08-02 22:52 LocalReported: 2003-08-04 11:58 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Tioga, ND, USA
Shape: Disk
5 of us saw it on top of a roof, looks like a star and moves faster than an airplane....then vanishes.
Saturday night a group of us (3 who had seen this object, and two who had not) crawled up on a roof of a picnic area at our park. My friend and I had seen the light in the sky twice and my sister had seen it once therefore we thought we would see if it would come again. We wanted to look at it closer with binoculars. At around 10:50-10:58 CST it came, for about 2-3 minutes or less, looks like a star no blinking-moves quickly and then it just vanishes after a bit of flying. My friend looked in the binoculars and said it was spinning and looked somewhat like a disk. We will watch tonight if skies are clear (they weren't last night) will bring video recorder.
Posted 2003-08-04
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