NUFORC UFO Sighting 30481

Occurred: 2003-08-01 13:25 Local
Reported: 2003-08-02 08:40 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 secs?
No of observers: 0

Location: Charleston (North Charleston), SC, USA

Shape: Unknown


Loud thunderous explosive boom heard! This was heard at least throughout the greter Charleston area, and further off possibly... certainly as far as Hollywood SC. Likely too wide a range to be a thunderclap. Local Coast Guard had no idea what it was, a report from the air force base claims they had nothing to generate a boom of this sort in the air at this time... and that when they perform manuevers that would generate a boom of this magnitude they would do it out at sea. My expectation is that this was a meterorite that was large enough to make it into the lower atmosphere and generate a sonic boom, but small enough to not hit the ground or to have hit without observed incident. Perhaps just off coast? It there was a visible streak or fireball associated I have not heard an account of it. some of the sky was obscured by clouds, otherwise it was a bright sunny afternoon.


Witness describes self as having considerable technical experience. PD

Posted 2003-08-04

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