NUFORC UFO Sighting 30480

Occurred: 2003-07-31 23:35 Local
Reported: 2003-08-02 00:54 Pacific
Duration: few seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Houston (Canada), BC, Canada

Shape: Light

Bright white light zig zagged low in the night sky.

Local Call.

Another call came in today from two witnesses who reside just west of Houston, B.C. A husband a wife were out finishing up their farm chores when they both witnessed a bright white light moving quickly towards the northeast. They reported that the light was very low and flying over the town of Houston. I talked with the husband and he said the whole event lasted no more than a few seconds, but what caught them off guard was the fact that the light zig zagged low across the sky. He said it was the strangest thing, meaning they never witnessed anything like this due to the fact that the light moved so erratically and low in the sky. (HBCC UFO Note: I believe the two reports are certainly connected due to the explanation that was given in both reports.

I will be talking more to both witnesses and gathering additional information on this event.

Thank you to the folks for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Canadian Toll Free UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989 - Free call.

Editor: Canadian Communicator - Paranormal Magazine email: Website:


The International Space Station had passed over at approximately 23:20 hrs. on this date, but it would have been to the south of the witnesses, not to the northeast. PD

Posted 2003-08-04

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