NUFORC UFO Sighting 30471

Occurred: 2003-07-31 23:30 Local
Reported: 2003-08-01 19:05 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Edmonds, WA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Strange satelite(s)?

I was out talking to my family on our back deck about 11:30pm last night when my eye caught a satelite flying overhead. It was nothing unusual but I was entertained for a brief second and started looking for more. There really is a lot of stuff flying around up there.

At any rate after a couple of minutes my eyes caught a very faint light that appeared to be a satelite traveling NW-SE at the speed any typical satelite would. At first I thought nothing of it but then my eye caught 2 more lights, just as faint as the first, forming a triangle. The lights (I presume a satelite or group of satelites) appeared to be flying in formation at the same speed and altitute or outlined a very large craft. How I saw this with all the light pollution around Seattle was pure luck. Two others also saw it after I pointed it out.

I believe what I saw definitely originated right here on planet earth but what exactly it was is a mystery. It could have been something very unique. I've never seen anything like this before and I'd love to know what it was... 3 unrelated satelites that by chance ended up in a triangle formation? 3 related satelites flying in formation? Some sort or communications array? A secret spy/weapons/science platform? Who knows? I definitely consider these objects (or the object) I saw last night "Unidentified." It was pretty cool and I'll be looking to the northwest at around 11:30 again tonight to see if I can find it... This time a little bit north of Seattle in Bellingham.


Dear ((name deleted)),

Thank you very much for the report! I suspect you witnessed the three satellites which are seen to fly in formation, and which are thought to be part of the U. S. Navy "N.O.S.S." satellite surveillance system. We have received reports of them since 1996. They are visible for several weeks, and then they disappear for a while. Then, months later, they, or something identical, will appear again.

They are in an orbit that is approximately 90 minutes long, so you can plan when, and where, they will pass overhead, or within sighting distance, and watch them on the next orbit.

Thank you, again, for sharing the information with our Center!

Cordially, Peter Davenport


That's interesting. I figured it probably was something military. There sure is a lot of stuff flying around up there... It's really amazing that more space flight accidents (such as Columbia) haven't occured considering the amount of debris smaller than a satelite we can't see in orbit.

Anyway, I like your web site... It's interesting to see what is reported an where. Alien or not I think it's all interesting. There is plenty of technology that is made right here on planet earth that borders on science fiction. At any rate, nice work.



Posted 2003-08-04

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