NUFORC UFO Sighting 3022

Occurred: 1996-09-25 13:00 Local
Reported: 1998-01-12 00:00 Pacific
Duration: ongoing
No of observers: 50

Location: Markham (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Other

Summary : My daughter found an Iron Disk that seemed to hit a fence and burn the fence at a baseball diamond.. the Disk is burnt on all edges.. frictioned.. and smelled like skunk at first.. my daughter and son and myself all had paranormal alien dreams and I especially have predicted Diana collision... no hurricanes in 97, Cunananin houseboat.... and 600 pages to CNN that are 90% accurate since the find......took 4 pound magnetic iron to U of Toronto Dr. John Rucklidge.. took a piece.. tolod me of story of "SLAG" that flew through window of Spanish man in car.. noone to throw it... said my iron was a slag... but.... strange properties of magnetism and density.. as well as shape and burnt phenomenon..

The event took place at a baseball championship for my son.... numerous witness' saw and held the slag..iron disk.... one of which soon after went blind mysteriously..... My daughter is 8 years old and my son is 11.. I am 40... she found it.... other observers were lawyers doctors and parents of all descriptions.... kids on the baseball teams.. brothers and sisters of the players..... a mass situation that is unreported by media.. although attempted by us as a family.

Posted 2000-12-02

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