NUFORC UFO Sighting 29826
Occurred: 2003-07-19 22:10 LocalReported: 2003-07-19 21:57 Pacific
Duration: 45-60 seconds
No of observers: 5
Location: Scituate, RI, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
while at Seagrave (Amateur Astronomy) Observatory on Peeptoad Road, Scituate,Rhode Island,noticed on the western horizon a turquoise brilliant light heading aircraft blinking lights passed overhead at zenith to eastern horizon.through 30 power 70 mm binoculars passed around it appeared as a glowing light turquoise oval.the several amateur astronomers including myself agreed that it was anomalous and a "bogey".we are familar with aircraft,satellites, appeared about 1 cm across in a sharply focused binocular field which at that power magnification would put it at a very high altitude.
Dear Mr.((name deleted)),
Thank you very much for the excellent report.
Except for its appearance, the object you describe is consistent with an over flight of the International Space Station. You can see the data for July 19 at the following URL, and I copy over flight data below. Also, you can see the ground track of the ISS at the second URL I copy below.
If you disagree with my assessment, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thank you very much for sharing the information with our Center!
Peter Davenport
18 Jul 2.2 00:07:13 17 NNE 00:07:13 17 NNE 00:08:13 10 NE
18 Jul 2.6 01:40:21 10 NW 01:42:15 15 N 01:44:10 10 NE
18 Jul 2.1 03:16:40 10 NW 03:19:11 21 NNE 03:21:42 10 ENE
19 Jul 2.4 00:41:55 11 NW 00:43:47 17 N 00:45:56 10 NNE
19 Jul 2.5 02:18:37 10 NNW 02:20:46 17 N 02:22:55 10 NE
19 Jul 0.4 03:54:19 10 NW 03:57:24 48 NNE 04:00:29 10 ESE
19 Jul -0.8 22:05:52 10 SW 22:08:58 81 SSE 22:12:07 10 ENE
19 Jul 2.0 23:42:52 10 WNW 23:45:20 21 NNW 23:47:52 10 NE
20 Jul 2.7 01:20:23 10 NW 01:22:17 15 N 01:24:11 10 NE
20 Jul 1.5 02:56:18 10 NW 02:59:06 28 NNE 03:01:55 10 E
Posted 2003-07-23
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