NUFORC UFO Sighting 29788
Occurred: 1985-06-01 14:00 LocalReported: 2003-07-17 23:36 Pacific
Duration: 5min
No of observers: 6
Location: Thailand, , Thailand
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Electrical or magnetic effects
Three U.S. Navy personel witness triangular shaped object in day time sky outside popular Thailand tourest area.
We were on a picnic in a jungle clearing approx 1 mile outside Padia Beach, Thailand our party included 3 U.S Navy personel and 3 local women. We had finished eating and were enjoying a swim in a stream that ran along one edge of the clearing. The clearing was about 150 yards long and varied in width from 10 to 30 yards. The weather was warm bright and sunny when we notices a shadow start to pass over us we looked up expecting to see clouds forming, however what we saw was a large dark grey metalic object triangular in shape with sides that appeared to be approx. 80 to 100 feet in leangth. The underside surface had some irregularly spaced protrusions of an unidentifiable nature. No windows or artificial lighting was observed. The object was moving at about a slow walking pace. No sounds could be heard coming from the object, however as it passed overhead at an estimated altitude of less than 250 feet, a low subsonic humm could be felt more than heard. As the object passed overhead our tape player died. we assumed at that time the batteries had died. After the object was out of sight we noticed that the two digital watches in the group were no longer functioning, the one analog watch was still working.
Upon returning to our submarine we put new batteries into the radio/tape player even with freash batteries and later pluged into an outlet the divice refused to function. The same thing with the digital watches. Also all of the audio tapes that we had with us were now blank and we were unable to record on them in the future.
Two of us had cammeras and attempted to take photos. The photo lab that attempted to develop the film told us it looked as if the film had been exposed to x-rays as all the film we had with us was "fogged" and no prints were possable this included film that had been shot earlyer in the day and was no longer in the cammera and new film that had not yet been opened when the incedent occured.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-07-23
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