NUFORC Sighting 29616

Occurred: 2003-07-08 22:15 Local
Reported: 2003-07-08 20:23 Pacific
Duration: 2 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Miami, FL, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

It was oval shape bright white blue ball in the middle with a oval halo around it and came out from the sky into another dimension.

I had just come back from a 40 minute walk and got into my bathing suit and went in my pool to cool down. Like many nights I like to float on my back and stare at the sky. Tonight was a very clear sky no clouds at all in the sky.

All of the sudden a very bright white light almost had blue around it came out of the sky like if it shot out of different dimension and i saw it pass by for 2 seconds and it looked like it went into another demension there was no sound at all i was very surprise that something could just disappear so quickly.

Now the reason why i don't think it was a shooting star because in the middle of this oval object was a very bright white ball of light,and it had a ring around the light that was also white. I almost looked like the planet Saturn. The bright ball of light was the planet and the ring around the planet was like a halo. I thought it was coming towards me but it all of the sudden disappeared. I wonder if i was the only one to see this i would love to find out what it was i saw i hope it was a UFO. I hope that there is others out there too.

Posted 2003-07-16

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