NUFORC UFO Sighting 29513
Occurred: 2003-06-11 14:15 LocalReported: 2003-07-03 00:56 Pacific
Duration: 30 secs
No of observers: 1
Location: Auckland (New Zealand), , New Zealand
Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Oval, shiny object caught on camera in vacinity of aircraft
Series of 3 pics taken by my brother on June 3/11. He and his wife were visiting from Sydney and went to see my youngest boy run in his school cross country race (he won!) The school is Forrest Hill Primary on Aucklands North Shore. Grant (brother) is facing South West at approx 2:00pm (race was due to start at 2:15) two New Zealand air force Orions (I think) caught his eye as they approached and then flew directly over the school, he took 1 pic as they approached, and another as they were directly over head. He has only just got the film back today, and has emailed these to me with the following comments. N.B. Whenuapai (Fen-ooh-ah-pie) is our local air base. Yes we do have an airforce...
Lastly, check out my UFO! The photo called Planes_3 was taken while we waited for racing to start. Two Orions or Hercules from Whenuapai flew straight over the top of the school. When overhead I took the photo Planes_1. When I got them back yesterday from processing there is a funny silver disc at the top of the shot. When you look through the Lupe you can see a flat round base, a ridge running around the centre with white spots and the silver finish. It is slightly blurred at the back left corner. It appears on the negatives and seems too disc shaped to be a balloon. Close up scan of disc is Planes_2.We are both in the printing / graphics / advertising industry, and Grant is a competent photographer but I assure you we have not touched this image in Photoshop. Grant has the negs with him Sydney.
Cool aye.
Posted 2003-07-16
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