NUFORC UFO Sighting 2943

Occurred: 1997-12-01 00:00 Local
Reported: 1997-12-02 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 1

Location: Warwick, RI, USA

Shape: Circle

Summary : I was watching Deep Space Nine which airs at 12pm when a unusual bright object caught my eye I quickly got up and looked out my front window looking for the object again,it was moving not extremely fast but faster than you see commericial planes from TFgreen airport (in warwick)it moved horizontally(---)which i thought was very strange becuase planes dont move in a straight lines and planes never fly in this area(i know the zones the planes fly in from living here a long time)the object always went in the same direction,then,it disapeared started back from the beggenning and did the same routine about 10-50 times. The object emitted a pulsing light exactly like a star.

1 person witness.I told my sister about it she looked out the window for a second or two but it was gone by then,the object was round,it was large enough to catch your eye,(not huge,),The light was white (pulsing light) I am 16 and my sister is 18 i go to pilgrim high school,i moved from providence to warwick when i was about 6 years old.It was a very clear night out ,there were many stars out (and very few cloads. I have pictures of my house and i can add with a graphics program where the object went.

Posted 1998-06-02

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