NUFORC UFO Sighting 29323
Occurred: 1983-07-14 00:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2003-06-21 01:27 Pacific
Duration: half an hour
No of observers: 3
Location: Nelson House (Canada), MB, Canada
Shape: Unknown
What I saw was the darkest, crystal eyes I have ever seen!
I was 8 years old, It was a beautiful starlite night on the reservation. My sister slept on the bottom bunk. Me on top. We lived in a trailern by the oldn schooln that resently burnt down. My sister had a window right above her head,2 feet by 2 feet. She would star at the stars just like every other night. She called my name ever so slowly and softley, then louder and LOUDER. I got mad because I was trying to sleep. What I said, thrusting my head across and under my bead. What I saw uas my reflection in the darkest, crystal eyes I have ever seen. It's face filled the little window, I could see inside it's slit like nostrils, I mean it was that freakin close or vise vera. Palish blue, green was the color of the face. I called my father, a tough, rough man, came in with a bat. He froze, didn't say a word for the longest time, like ice. Even though he has no recolection of being a stiff. We said nothing. 12 years later I seen a book in B.C, invaders from another world. There was the face. In the back ground was a forest. Freaky. I asked my dad was he saw. "Don't know son, it was five feet tall and floated in the bush." I even went as far as to sit my sister down and started to draw a picture of a box (window) as a began to draw the head,"Don't "F" around." and she crumpled up the paper and threw it in the garbage.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2003-07-16
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